Are Dropshipping Courses Worth It

Alright, let’s chat. Ever thought about diving into the world of dropshipping? Perhaps you’ve even come across the Dropshipping Masterclass or Biaheza Dropshipping Course? You know, the gig where you sell products without ever really touching them? But then there’s that gnawing question, “Should I spend money on a dropshipping course like The Complete Shopify AliExpress Dropship Course’? Well, let’s break it down.

What’s the Buzz on Dropshipping Anyway?

For those of you just tuning in, dropshipping is like that magic trick where you pull out money without ever touching a product. Courses like Biaheza Dropshipping Course elaborate on this very concept. You don’t bother with inventory, nor do you break the bank to start. Sounds dreamy, right? Just you, your computer, and some nifty product. Your job? Find a supplier who handles all the nitty-gritty, and then market the hell outta your store.

Did You Know? In 2023, the dropshipping game is gettin’ real. With a gazillion folks jumping on the bandwagon, you gotta play it smart. Think of your e-store as a real-deal business. That’s where a dropshipping course, like The Complete Shopify AliExpress Dropship Course, might just be your secret sauce, giving you the edge to cash in on the wisdom of pros.

Why the Fuss About Dropshipping Courses?

What Is Dropshipping

Alright, real talk. Can you Google dropshipping and drown in info? Heck yes! Between YouTube gurus and bloggers, there’s a ton of free content. But here’s the catch: many hold back their golden nuggets, hoping you’d buy their course. So, while you could spend days patching info together from different courses like the Dropshipping Masterclass, wouldn’t you rather avoid the headache?

Do I Really Need a Course?

Ever heard, Time is money? Well, in the wild west of dropshipping, it’s no joke. A kickass course can show you:

Essentials for a Bangin’ Dropshipping Course:

  1. Product Hunting: The what’s hot and what’s not.
  2. Setting Up Shop: And which Shopify themes won’t tank.
  3. Facebook Ads: Don’t just throw money; target it!
  4. The Best Apps: To push your biz to the next level.
  5. Stalk the Competition: Softwares to see what they’re up to.
  6. Marketing Mojo: Get your products the spotlight they deserve.
  7. Market Testing: Before going all in.

The moral? Learn from the goof-ups of others. Why reinvent the wheel when you can ride the coattails of those who’ve made it? Grab a course that’s stuffed with actionable goodies, and you might just strike gold in the dropshipping world.

And remember, as our pals at Wikipedia say, Dropshipping is a form of retail business wherein the seller accepts customer orders but does not keep goods sold in stock. So, do your homework, make smart choices, and maybe, just maybe, those courses will be your ticket to dropshipping stardom. Cheers to your success!

Choosing Your Dropshipping Flavor: Which One Tingles Your Taste Buds?

What Makes The Best Dropshipping Course

Ready for another hearty chat? Dive right into the buffet of dropshipping styles, and let’s find out what’s cooking! 🍽️

Low-Ticket vs High-Ticket: The Big Showdown

Now, in the world of dropshipping, we mainly have two biggies: the low-ticket scene and the high-roller, aka high-ticket, game.

Low-Ticket Dropshipping: Fast, Furious & Trendy!

  1. What is it? Focusing on low-cost trending products.
  2. Pace: Blink and you might miss the trend! Stay sharp.
  3. Strategy: Stay a step ahead of your competitors and ride the wave of trending items before everyone’s doing it.

New to dropshipping? This might just be your jam!

Hot Picks For Low-Ticket Courses:

1. AC Hampton’s Supreme Ecom Blueprint

Why? AC (let’s keep it casual) is a self-made mogul and a YouTube sensation with 18k+ subscribers. 


  1. Set up a Shopify dropshipping store like a boss.
  2. Drive traffic using Facebook ads.
  3. Exclusive content like live streams, product lists, and more.
  4. Rocking online community vibes.

Price Tag: A one-time fee of $746.25. Looking for upgrades? There’s also a 1:1 mentorship. Broke college student? Try the free version!

2. Adrian Morrison’s eComm Success Academy 

Why? It’s the Versace of dropshipping courses with a hefty price tag. 


  1. Everything you need to know about starting a Shopify dropshipping business.
  2. Optimize Facebook ads like a pro.
  3. ‘Profit Power Hour’ videos? Yes, please!
  4. And loads more.

Price Tag: $2495. But hey, it’s got the Shopify stamp and rave reviews!

High-Ticket Dropshipping: The Luxe Life! 

Think designer brands and upscale vibes. Targeting the upper-middle-class? Think products like chic furniture or that top-of-the-line treadmill. Big items = no China. Looking at US suppliers? Yep.

Course to Crush It?

Anton Kraly’s Dropship Lifestyle

Why? Established since 2013, Anton isn’t just some random dude. 


  1. Masterclass on setting up your Shopify store.
  2. An in-depth guide to niche selection.
  3. Weekly updates and mad support.

Price Tag: A range from $3497 to a whopping $25,000. But, it’s got the Shopify seal and a unique approach.

Other Mouthwatering Models to Consider:

Ahoy, readers! 🏴‍☠️ Set sail with me as we explore the vast ocean of dropshipping courses, unearthing the treasures and dodging those deceptive sirens. What should you be looking for? Grab your compass, and let’s chart a course!

Finding Your Perfect Dropshipping Soulmate

Like dating in the digital age, finding the right course can be a mix of exciting, overwhelming, and downright confusing. But fear not! Let’s sift through the duds to find your perfect match.

Considerations Before Swiping Right on a Dropshipping Course:

  1. Your Style: Does it jive with the type of dropshipping you’re eyeing? High-ticket? Low-ticket? Disco-ticket? (Okay, that last one doesn’t exist, but wouldn’t it be groovy?)
  2. Budget Check: Can you afford it without selling your grandma’s vintage vinyl collection?
  3. Relevance Alert: Is the content fresh? Or does it feel like 1990 called, wanting its strategies back?
  4. Social Media Hustle: Do they cover the latest TikTok dances? Er—I mean, trends.
  5. The Coach’s Game: Are they still raking in the moolah via dropshipping?
  6. Community Vibes: Does the course have a supportive squad? Because, let’s face it, everyone needs a cheerleading section.

1. Fresh & Juicy Content:

You’re in 2023, baby! Don’t settle for strategies that went extinct with the dodo. What should be on the menu?

  1. Top-notch Shopify themes and dropshipping niches to embrace (or dodge).
  2. Sourcing products from somewhere other than AliExpress (Diversify!).
  3. Crafting attention-grabbing ads for platforms like Facebook, Google, and even TikTok.
  4. Oh, and let’s not forget making your videos trend on TikTok!

2. Stellar Content: It’s all about Quality, not Quantity:

No one likes a bore. What should you be tuning into?

  1. Real-life, down-to-earth examples. Give it to us straight!
  2. All the insider websites and software tools to keep you ahead.
  3. And speaking of quality…

Shining Example Alert: Franklin Hatchett’s Ecom Elites 

Price: $197-$297 (depends on how fancy you wanna get). 

The Scoop:

  • Updates as fresh as your morning coffee.
  • Real-world examples to get those neurons firing.
  • Special video requests and frequent updates. 

Franklin is like that cool uncle who’s always got the inside scoop, far away from the usual Google drivel.

3. The Real Experts:

Beware of impostors! (No, not that game). How do you separate the pros from the posers?

  1. Do they engage with you, maybe through live streams or Q&As?
  2. Can you drop them a message without it feeling like throwing a bottle in the ocean?
  3. Multiple ways to connect? Heck yeah!

And don’t be shy – do a lil’ stalking. Reddit, Quora, and Google reviews can be your crystal ball into the course’s worth.

Dive Deep: Community & Network Value:

A strong and dedicated community can be the differentiating factor when selecting a dropshipping course. The synergy of having a group of dedicated individuals can be invaluable for feedback, motivation, and sharing successful strategies.

Benefits of a Strong Community:

  • Shared Resources: Members often share their own findings, tools, and strategies, adding immense value to the course.
  • Networking Opportunities: Building connections with other dropshippers can lead to potential collaborations or partnerships.
  • Emotional Support: A supportive community can be a beacon during challenging times, offering advice and reassurance.

Match Your Learning Style:

Everybody has their unique style of learning. The best dropshipping courses accommodate a variety of these methods, ensuring everyone can grasp the concepts efficiently.


  • Format: Some people prefer visual content like videos, while others might opt for written guides or audios.
  • Pace: Can you go at your own pace, or is it a fixed schedule? Determine what fits your lifestyle best.
  • Interactivity: The ability to interact, ask questions, and get feedback can be crucial for many learners.

8. Free vs. Paid: What’s the Trade-off?:

Yes, there’s a sea of information available for free online. But often, the structured, well-researched, and comprehensive content is behind a paywall. Here’s a breakdown:

Free Courses:

Final Words on Price: It’s like shopping for anything else – you need to strike a balance between quality and cost. A higher price doesn’t always guarantee quality, but generally, you get what you pay for. So, think of it as an investment in your business and yourself.

Due Diligence: Research Before You Leap:

The online world is chock-full of reviews, testimonials, and feedback. Before diving into any course, harness the power of these resources. Understand what past students loved (or didn’t) about the course. Platforms like Trustpilot, SiteJabber, or even Reddit can provide candid insights.

Other Methods: Harnessing Free Traffic

The digital age has revolutionized the way business is done. The internet offers boundless opportunities for those who know how to harness it. Dropshipping is an attractive model for many because of its low upfront costs. But it’s just one way to tap into the online market’s potential. Free traffic, when used effectively, can be a game-changer for many online ventures. One such model is local lead generation.

Local Lead Generation: A Sustainable Approach

Local lead generation, in essence, revolves around helping local businesses get more clients or customers. It taps into the principle that every business, no matter how small, requires customers to survive and thrive.

Benefits of Local Lead Generation:
  1. High Demand: Every local business, from plumbers to dentists, needs leads. There’s always demand.
  2. Passive Income Stream: Once set up, these leads can provide a recurring income source with little maintenance.
  3. Building Local Relationships: Working closely with local businesses fosters strong community ties and trust.
How Does It Work?
  1. Identify a Niche: Just like with dropshipping, pick a niche or local service that has a demand.
  2. Set Up a Website: Create a simple site, optimized for local search terms (e.g., “New York Dentist” or “Chicago Plumber”).
  3. Rank the Site: Use SEO strategies to rank the site on search engines.
  4. Redirect Leads: Once your site attracts visitors, redirect these potential customers to a local business.
  5. Earn: Charge the local business for every lead or a monthly retainer fee.

Why Choose Local Lead Generation over Dropshipping?

  1. Stability: Unlike dropshipping, which can be affected by global factors like shipping delays or international politics, local lead generation is, well, local.
  2. Scalability: Once you’ve set up a successful lead generation system for one local business, you can replicate this for others in different niches or areas.
  3. Less Competition: Many people jump onto the dropshipping bandwagon. Local lead generation has less competition, especially in smaller towns or specific niches.


The world of online business is vast, and opportunities are endless. While dropshipping remains a viable model for many, it’s essential to recognize and explore other avenues as well. Local lead generation is a testament to the saying, Think global, act local. It’s a strategy that zeroes in on the immediate community, bridging gaps, and fostering growth. As always, the key lies in education. Equip yourself with the necessary skills, be it through a dropshipping course or local lead generation training, and set the stage for online success.

Frequently asked questions:

are dropshipping courses worth it?

For anyone tryna dive into that e-commerce game, dropshipping courses are clutch. They give you the A to Z on building a legit business – from scoping out the market, picking the right products, to getting that online store popping, and even networking with the right peeps.

who has the best dropshipping course?

Top Dropshipping Courses in 2023 – Quick Peek:
• Dropshipping 101 – basics on point.
• Dropship Lifestyle (DSL) – pure vibes.
• Complete Shopify Aliexpress Dropship – the whole nine yards.
• eCom Elites – top-tier lessons.
• Building a Dropshipping Empire from Ground Up.
• The Product Winner Blueprint – all about them hits.
• Shopify Ninja Masterclass – the real deal.
• eCom Inner-Circle – the exclusive club.

Are there any legit dropshipping courses?

No doubt! Dropshipping 101 is fire for those newbies or peeps thinking of starting their dropshipping grind. Jessica Guzik’s got you covered with all the hacks, pro moves, and strategies to outplay the competition and stay kingpin.

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